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Vitamin D supplement

Vitamin D deficiency leads to dementia

Dementia is one of the major causes of disability and dependency among older people worldwide, affecting thinking and behaviours as you age. But what if you could stop this degenerative disease in its tracks? A world-first study from the University of South Australia could make this a reality as new genetic research shows a direct link between dementia and a lack of vitamin D . Investigating th...


Researchers on a mission to block rogue melanoma protein

Professor Claudine Bonder Despite years of skin cancer warnings, Australia continues to hold the unenviable record for the highest melanoma rates in the world, a disease that is almost universally fatal if it spreads to other organs. More than 16,000 Australians will receive a melanoma diagnosis by year’s end. For 40 per cent of people with newly diagnosed melanomas, their chances of survival...